Category Archives: science

Top ten strange phenomena that science cannot explain

10. Man becomes math genius after being punched in the head

Even though medical science assures us that head injuries burn cells and technically make us “dumber”, this isn’t the case for Jason Padgett, who became a mathematical genius overnight after an attacker punched him in the head. The thirty-one-year-old man was a college dropout who had no background in mathematics beyond the everyday basics or did not engage in any spiritual activity or interests whatsoever. Padgett is one of only forty known people in history to have “acquired­savant syndrome,” an unexplained condition in which trauma to the head results in the emergence of remarkable talent in math, art, or music.


9. A three-year-old gives creepy details about the person who killed him in his past life

Last year, in the Golan Heights near the border of Syria and Israel, a three-year-old boy claimed he remembered being murdered in a previous life. The boy said he was murdered with an axe, ushering elders to where his murdered body was buried. The creepiest part of this story is that what they found there was a skeleton with the murder weapon lying next to it. Of course, no official scientific answer has been given yet concerning this eerie phenomenon, and we have a feeling that research into this case will last for years if not decades to come.


8. Bone-shaped rock photographed on Mars

In 2014, curious observers and eagle-eyed Internet users spotted an alleged “thigh bone” in images taken on Mars by NASA’s Curiosity rover. This was one of the latest in a long line of bizarre objects claimed to have been sighted in Mars photographs, and as it usually happens in these cases, a logical explanation has yet to be given by NASA.


7.  Fish washed ashore in Norway on New Year’s Eve and then disappeared

In 2012 thousands of dead herring carpeted a stretch of coast in northern Norway and then (even more bizarrely) disappeared. The original estimations of twenty tons of dead fish couldn’t be verified simply because before the locals could start the official count, the fish disappeared. This phenomenon has yet to be explained.


6. A young man who’s trapped in his own “déjà vu”

A twenty-three-year-old student whose name has not been disclosed has fallen victim to one of the most extreme recorded cases of déjà vu ever. According to his own claims, he has such a strong sensation of having done things before that he can barely function and recently had to drop out of college. Although no official explanation has been given for his condition, according to psychology expert Dr. Christine Wells, this could be the first-ever recorded instance of psychogenic déjà vu, which could be triggered by anxiety rather than a neurological condition such as dementia or epilepsy.


5. Fireball UFO sighted over South America

You’re probably thinking after seeing “UFO” in the title but in this case it looks like what you see in the picture isn’t a result of Photoshop. The strange burning object was sighted by multiple witnesses across two countries (Brazil and Argentina) last month. Most astronomers theorize this to be a comet though a certain explanation has not been found.


4. Strange clouds formed over Panama City Beach, Florida

On the day of the rare snowstorm in Libya in 2012, strange clouds, which looked like a tidal wave of cotton filling, “conquered” the sky above Panama City Beach. Was it a tidal wave of cotton filling? Or, according to the more extreme theorists, some ghostly aerodynamics maybe? The only sure thing is that the mysterious cloud formations in Panama City Beach that day had the weather world buzzing.


3. Apocalyptic sounds were heard throughout Costa Rica

The strange sound heard throughout Costa Rica in 2012 became somewhat of a global phenomenon. On January 9, 2012, thousands of Costa Ricans awoke to a strange loud sound that emanated from the sky. Many frightened civilians called the authorities to report the apocalyptic-sounding hum but the lame explanation concerning the thunderous sound that they received left most of them even more suspicious.


2. Mysterious red glow spotted over the Pacific

Two Russian pilots recently reported seeing a strange but beautiful underwater light show while flying near Kamchatka. They first spotted the phenomenon around five hours into their flight from Hong Kong to Alaska. It began with a sudden intense flash in the distance before red-and-orange glows could be seen permeating the ocean.

The strangest thing, however, is that there were no storms in the region at the time of the sighting and neither of the men had ever seen anything like it before.


1. Raining black birds

The locals of a small Arkansas town witnessed a really macabre phenomenon back in 2012 when they saw over 5,000 dead blackbirds drop from the sky in the early hours of the New Year. What’s even more mysterious is that this was the second year in a row that dead birds had fallen as the calendar year changed.